Fibro Blogs, Fibromyalgia, Fibromyalgia Poems

Fibromyalgia and ME

Fibromyalgia is a part of me,I didn't realise how much it could be.It's not just this condition I have to live with,I also deal with ME. ME makes my fatigue a separate entity, But it doesn't change my identity. I do my best with what I've got, But it's difficult to deal with mentally. Sometimes… Continue reading Fibromyalgia and ME

Fibro Blogs, Fibromyalgia

Adjustments in the Workplace

It can be scary even thinking about broaching the subject of your health to your line manager. You may worry that they won't be understanding and will use it against you. Thankfully there are laws in place to protect those with disabilities. You may think they will treat you differently if they find out. You… Continue reading Adjustments in the Workplace

Fibro Blogs, Fibromyalgia

Being a Published Author with Chronic Illness

This has been a passion project since I was 15 years old. On the 29th July 2022, I get to call myself a published author! I never thought someone would actually want to publish the novel I worked on for 10 years, but here I am. At the age of 28, I am living my… Continue reading Being a Published Author with Chronic Illness