Fibro Blogs, Fibromyalgia

My Experience of Healthy Eating with Chronic Illness

It can be hard enough eating healthy when your body is always low on energy due to chronic illness. Always craving sugar and fast food, and the ease of ordering something in rather than cooking.

Add to the mix a busy lifestyle, often visiting places and going out to restaurants with friends and family, and it can seem impossible.

I’ve wanted to lose weight for a while and now I’m getting married next April, it was the perfect opportunity to start eating healthier. I didn’t realise it would also help me feel healthier also.

I even visited a cafe that is like Subway but for salads!

I’ve realised restaurants now cater for those trying to eat less than an entire day of food in one sitting. Most menus such as Nandos and Pizza Express have some meals that start from 500 calories and they aren’t just salads! Some burgers, without chips of course, pizzas with salad in the middle and even chicken with 2 sides in nandos are all within my calorie intake! So even on a day when I’m focused on eating healthily, I can still enjoy going out for a meal.

Still enjoying tasty treats on occasion which makes it feel even more rewarding

For the first time ever I’m not craving chocolate and takeaways as much. Yes, I have a little chocolate every day but I’m making sure I eat a balanced diet with lots of fruit and veg and plenty of protein. And I’m using (light, 2kg) weights to get rid of some arm fat too. I’ve never felt healthier!

Despite feeling so healthy, the age old argument that eating healthier cures everything is once again proven wrong.

No, my chronic illnesses haven’t improved much. It has definitely helped my IBS, although I feel it more now on cheat days when I’m going out for a meal. I’m still working on finding a balance when I am eating less healthy foods to keep my stomach happy.

Healthy eating has helped me control my health a bit better and I’m eating more of the right foods now and not overeating as much as I used to. But it hasn’t cured me, and it never will. My fatigue is still just as bad and the pain is there but by building up my muscles a little, it’s less painful carrying things and I find I’m actually enjoying eating healthier (something I never thought I would say in my 29 years!).

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4 thoughts on “My Experience of Healthy Eating with Chronic Illness”

  1. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding…
    You must have found a wonderful man…
    Big blessings to you both..
    Stay strong …Keep looking up….

    God bless you,
    California, USA

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi, unfortunately there is no one size diet that can cure or make fibromyalgia better but I agree with you that trying to eat healthy can be better for our health in the long run. What has helped me with my ibs and my fibromyalgia is to cut out gluten! I’ve tried to reintroduce it and everytime I do I have a flare. So gluten free life for me it is! I also have a fibromyalgia blog called if you fancied checking it out, too.


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