Fibro Blogs, Fibromyalgia

How Viruses Affect Those With Chronic Illness

To healthy people, a cold is a minor inconvenience. To someone living with a weakened immune system it can mean so much more.

Since covid, people have more of an appreciation of how bad symptoms can be, but with chronic illness, any mild cold can become deadly, or at least severe. You can feel like you have the flu where someone else may only have slight symptoms.

In winter I do my best to keep healthy, taking extra vitamins and trying to stay away from others who have viruses, although it’s difficult to do especially with more gatherings around Christmas.

Sometimes it just can’t be avoided no matter how hard you try, and you start to get the aches and fever, knowing there is nothing you can do to stop it.

It feels really weak to call in sick when I have a virus, as every single time I get a slightest infection it knocks me down and it can take between 1 and 3 weeks to recover, sometimes even longer.

The fear is also there, that perhaps this virus will bring me new permanent symptoms like long covid. I already suffer with chronic fatigue syndrome which came about as a direct consequence of a bad cold years ago. This means every time I get the slightest tingle of a virus, I worry that my life will never be the same.

It is hard for others to understand the severity it can bring. In my mind, I feel others judging me for calling in sick and being bed bound with something they see as minor, like I’m just being lazy, when I know I’m not. I used to push myself to go out even when I felt my worst, to show them how ill I was, but that wasn’t healthy for me, pushing myself in that way. Now I have to accept it for what it is, and try not to judge myself.

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3 thoughts on “How Viruses Affect Those With Chronic Illness”

  1. This is a great article..
    It is very true for those of us who suffer and struggle with chronic illness.
    Thank you for sharing this truth.



  2. I can’t wait until a time when we can wake up and feel refreshed. A time when we can walk outside and feel safe. And a time when we won’t have to lose our dear loved ones in death.


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